I am younger, stronger, happier, healthier, and more beautiful every day.
I am calm, confident, and relaxed.
I am forgiven because of I forgive myself and I clear my heavy heart
I run an extraordinarily successful and lucrative business.
I make thousands of dollars per day from my business.
The excess wealth I have, I use to help the homeless, help children to achieve Higher learning and help rescue animals in need of care.
I am abundant with Love, money, friendships, and gratitude for what I have.
I have peace and peace of mind.
I have peace of Mind and Peace in Life.
I find it easy to be sober and smoke free.
Everyday I powerwalk for 30 minutes and lift weights to streanthen my muscles.
I do stretches to stay flexible, youthful , strong and healthly.
I am good enough, yes I AM!
My perspective is unique. Its important and it counts.
A strong and radiant light shines within me.
I hold my head up. I am made for Victory.
I live in humility, gratitude, wisdom and generosity.
I Love and Accept myself.
Only good things come to me.
I Love and Appreciate myself.
I believe in myself and I can achieve anything.
I deserve happiness and fulfillment in everything that I desire.
I am a quick and resourceful learner.
Through the perception myself and Source Universe, I am wealthly and prosperous and my income is constantly increasing by thousands of dollars per day.
My child is strong fit and thriving, Physicall, Emotionally, Academically, Professionally and Financially.
I remember anything and everythingthat I need to and I always know the right things to say.
Thousands to Dollars come easily and frequently to me everyday.
Through myself and Source Universe, I am fit and in perfect health. I love working out and watching what I eat. I am younger, stronger, happier, healthier and more beautifeul every day.
I have a private income that never runs out.
I am a successful with ongoing bookings and sales for interesting and highly paid projects.
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